Saturday 19 February 2011


If your stressed, get a voodoo doll, and stab it with pins.
This is what I was told, and so I acted upon my discovered knowledge.

I got a voodoo doll, with lots of silver pins. I looked at it and thought: Skills.
In the top there is a little slot to put a photo, of... well whoever you want!
I fiddled about with him, until I decided that voodoo doll or not, he must have a name.
Igor is not very classy, but it will do for a voodoo doll. It's not like he'll be wandering around introducing himself, saying: I'm Igor, nice to meet you, so the name does not have to be flashy, trendy, sexy, or cool, it just has to suit a doll made for stabbing pins into.

However, the problem is, who's photo to use? If you were seen taking photos of nasty teachers, you would undoubtedly find yourself in DETENTION or the RESPONSIBLE LEARNING CENTRE, (Medieval losers I know, thinking up something like that).
I don't always hate my elderly grandmother, despite her old fashioned-ness, but then I thought.... My dad has lots of pictures of himself......

Leave me to think of those evil thoughts circling my evil brain.

Friday 18 February 2011

I am Yellow Jane

Hi everyone! This is an updated version of my first post, to introduce myself. I am Yellow Jane, a 16 year old boy who lives in England. I am called Yellow Jane because it is my internet persona, and a 'nickname' I have had for a very long time, originating from my stories.
I am a writer, ice skater, artist, and linguist-in-the-making, who loves doing anything creative! In the future I plan to study languages (German & Russian) at University, but right now I'm stuck in the never ending cycle of school-life.
This is my blog to write about all the things I love and live for, and for the obvious occasional rant. Feel free to leave comments on any of my posts!

Yellow Jane